Dear Someone: You deserve to receive hope, faith and love in your inbox.
Introducing personalized letters for your specific needs
Dear, Dear Someone, _
I hope this letter finds you well and happy. I want to thank you for being part of this amazing community of people who share hope, faith and love with each other. You are the reason why I write these letters every week, and I'm so grateful for your support and feedback.
I have some exciting news to share with you today. I know that sometimes you may be going through a difficult situation or a challenging season in your life, and you may need some extra encouragement or guidance. That's why I'm happy to announce that you can now request for personalized letters, written specifically for your situation by me!
Yes, you heard that right. All you have to do is submit a request and tell me what you are struggling with or what you need help with and I will write a letter just for you, with words of hope, faith and love that are tailored to your needs. You can also ask me any questions or share any thoughts that you have, and I will do my best to answer them or offer some insight.
This is a great opportunity for you to receive some customized advice, support and inspiration from me. I will use my experience, knowledge and intuition to write a letter that will speak to your heart and soul. I will also pray for you and send you positive energy.
You can choose to share your name and email address, or you can remain anonymous. You can also choose whether you want to receive the letter by email or through my social media walls. And the best part is, this service is available for both paid and free subscribers! That's right, you don't have to pay anything extra to receive a personalized letter from me.
Why am I doing this? Because I care about you and I want to help you in any way I can. Because I believe that everyone deserves to receive hope, faith and love in their lives. Because I want to make this community even stronger and more connected.
So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and request your personalized letter today! You deserve to receive hope, faith and love in your inbox. I can't wait to hear from you and write for you.
With love,Â
‎Ali Papa.
Stop eluding your emotions. Go up against them. feel them, face them, and come to terms with them. Don't shoo them away.